The Ten Health Benefits Of Tuina Massage And Its Regenerative Properties

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Written By Andrew Smith

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Specific body areas or medical conditions may be treated by tuina massage. Tuina massage should only be used as an alternative treatment after speaking with your doctor.

Use of TCM Tuina Massage to Treat Pain and Illness in Singapore The technique encourages unwinding, eases stress, and enhances sleep. Problems with the musculoskeletal and nervous systems are often treated with it.

The following conditions may be treated with tuina massage:

  • low back pain;
  • skeletal issues;
  • PMS;
  • sluggishness;
  • CT;
  • headaches;
  • osteoporosis;
  • stress; and
  • Gastrointestinal issues.
  • Respiratory issues


There is a tonne of evidence that tuina massage is effective in addressing health issues, even if some research is still ongoing in this area. Let’s examine the findings of the research on the advantages.

Enhances blood flow

TCM massage Singapore works by enhancing the body’s energy flow to improve blood circulation.

It has been shown that it enhances circulation in brief experiments like this one from 2015. It was shown that using medium force for 10 minutes was more efficient than using light or heavy force for shorter amounts of time.

These results should be confirmed by other research.

Minimizes neck pain

Neck Pain and Related Stress are Decreased by Tuina Massage

Unsurprisingly, tuina massage effectively relieves persistent neck pain. Over the course of three weeks, six tuina treatments were administered, and those who did so reported less neck discomfort than those who did not.

However, further research is required to compare tuina with other therapies.

Reduce back pain

Lower back discomfort might be lessened by adding core exercises to tuina massage.

According to study published in 2016, tuina massage for those with low back pain is most effective when combined with core stability exercises.

Compared to core exercises, tuina massage alone showed higher follow-up back pain rates.


An emphasis on entire body therapy is essential since depression has both physical and mental causes.

Researchers discovered in 2015 that tuina massage could be beneficial for treating depression.

To support and expand upon these results, a thorough, excellent investigation with more depth and breadth is required.

Encourages consistent breastfeeding

Tui na massage encourages postpartum breastfeeding.

The findings of a research from 2012

Tuina breast massage increased breastfeeding compared to women who simply got routine care.

Despite the fact that there was no discernible difference in delay between the groups, researchers think tuina massage may have a positive impact on prolactin levels. It could hasten the process by which lactating women produce more milk.

2011 osteoarthritis treatment A reliable source of research backs this up. Guns, ans, nas, and ca movements were used. Each patient got three treatments every week for nine months.

• Less pain

Reduced stiffness, improved function, and relief from carpal tunnel syndrome

A 2010 research found that tuina massage might ease the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Comparing the effects of hormone block therapy and prescription drugs to those of warm needle acupuncture and tuina massage, the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome were significantly reduced by both treatments.

Takes care of musculoskeletal issues

The soreness caused by joints, bones, and muscles is often lessened with tuina massage.

According to one research, tuina massage is effective in treating musculoskeletal ailments.

Not as convincing as the proof of better function. These results should be confirmed by other research.

Foot issues resulting from diabetes

Patients with diabetes who have foot problems may benefit from tuina massage treatment.

Tests carried out in 2018 revealed that tuina massages and foot baths based on Chinese medicine were advantageous for feet with early-stage diabetes.

Compare the outcomes of individuals who underwent tuina massages and foot baths to those who only received conventional care.

Improves the quality of life for cancer patients

In addition to conventional cancer therapy, tuina massage is an excellent way to manage cancer-related symptoms.

A 2016 meta-analysis found that tuina massage helps cancer patients’ symptoms and quality of life. The meta-analysis considers:

Acupuncture, Tai Chi, qigong, and five-element music therapy are all used in Chinese medicine.

Tuina Massage Singapore improved the quality of life for cancer patients when paired with acupuncture. Tuina massage has also been shown to be effective in treating digestive problems.

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