Dual-purpose American Pekin ducks are old but popular. It produces meat and eggs well. They originated from 19th-century Chinese ducks brought to the US. It is one of the most popular commercial duck breeds in many countries.
American Pekin ducks and Long Island ducks are also pekins. The name American Pekin distinguishes it from the German Pekin.
German Pekin ducks are a distinct breed derived from Chinese ducks. Peking ducks are another spelling. Mid-1800s Westerners introduced the breed.
The US’s favorite commercial meat duck breed is the Pekin. American duck farmers preferred them for their egg-laying and meat quality. The Pekin duck is now available worldwide.
Pekin Duck Breed Details
In addition to their widespread use in commercial duck farming, American Pekins are also frequently kept as pets in suburban and rural backyards. They are commonly seen on rural properties all over the United States.
The American Pekin’s success may be attributed in large part to the fact that the Duck Breeds is gentle and kind. They’re tough as nails and thrive in a free-range environment. Yet, learn more about this American duck breed here.
Characteristics In Terms Of The Body
American Pekin ducks, in particular, are stunning. The breed is classified as a heavy breed. They look like they came from another planet, with their long bodies and even longer necks. They have large breasts and yellow skin.
Each of their feathers is a pure white or off-white color. Their bill is yellow and their legs are a bright red or orangey yellow.
The wings on them are very brief. When compared to dabbling ducks, these waterfowl stand taller and carry their tails in a more upright position.
When examined carefully, the irises of these ducks’ eyes have a greyish blue tint. But from a distance, their eyes appear completely black.
Similar to other types of domestic ducks, housing needs are minimal. If you provide your ducks a simple shelter, they will be content.
An excellent home, complete with all necessary amenities, is something we strongly suggest. Keep the house tidy at all times and stock up on baskets or something similar to use as egg laying nests.
The single most crucial aspect of commercial American Pekin duck farming is providing the ducks with high-quality, nutritious feed. Natural and processed foods are equally enjoyed by these ducks.
If you let your flock roam free, they can forage for the natural foods they prefer. The ducks used for commercial production are often fed a diet consisting of commercially prepared poultry or chicken feed. Also, chick starter feed can be used to nourish the ducklings.
Naturally, American Pekin ducks are excellent reproducers. Maintaining a healthy proportion of males to females in the flock will facilitate rapid reproduction. In most cases, a single drake can successfully breed anywhere from 10 to 15 female ducks.
To a large extent, American Pekin ducks can be kept with less attention and care than other types of ducks because of their naturally robust and hardy build.
Even though the birds will be healthier, grow faster, and lay more eggs if you take special care of them. The most common duties in caring for these ducks are providing them with adequate housing, feeding them a balanced diet, and regularly checking on their health.
The male American Pekin duck, or drake, shares its female’s amiability and lack of aggression. Some of the birds raised for pets, eggs, or dinner will even let their caretakers touch them. Aside from the quacking of their duck cousins, Pekin drakes are a surprisingly peaceful bird (the ducks are a bit louder).
Their performance in free-range duck farming is remarkable. They are able to forage for the majority of their food in most environments, and they are also alert to danger and quick to return to their coop and run.
Eggs Production
The eggs of American Pekin ducks, which are known for their excellent laying abilities, tend to be on the larger side (90-100 grams each). It is estimated that a female duck can lay anywhere from 200 to 300 eggs per year. In most cases, ducks begin laying eggs between the ages of 5 and 6.
Meat Production
The meat from this breed is excellent as well. Their meat is flavorful and full of protein. A fully grown American Pekin duck usually weighs anywhere from 3.6 kg to 5 kg.
American Pekin duck can be used for both food and transportation. They are raised for human consumption in the United States. In addition, Pekin duck accounts for roughly 95% of the total duck meat eaten in the USA. This breed is not only good for meat, but also for laying eggs.