How Can I Prevent My Lower Back From Hurting After a Long Trip?

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Written By Andrew Smith

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Back pain is a common complaint for people who spend a lot of time driving. Thankfully, there are a few simple steps you can take to prevent your lower back from hurting after a long trip.

First, make sure you sit up straight in your seat. This may not feel natural at first, but it will keep your lower back from straining.


There are many benefits to stretching, including increased flexibility, reduced lactic acid production, and improved posture. Patel says it’s also an effective way to reduce pain and stress.

Stretching is a key part of any workout. It helps warm the muscles up before they become fatigued during exercise and increases blood flow to the muscles, which can speed recovery after a tough session.

Dynamic stretches, such as walking lunges or torso twists, are most beneficial before an activity because they help move the muscles through their full range of motion, Galliett tells SELF. But any time you can squeeze in a few stretches to increase your flexibility, you’ll benefit.

You can do stretches at home, on the job, or even in bed when you wake up. Just make sure you don’t push yourself too far, and try to keep the stretches short and sweet.

Ice Therapy

Using ice therapy is a great way to prevent your lower back from hurting after a long trip. This type of therapy works to reduce inflammation and swelling in the area, constrict blood vessels, and numb the nerves.

When icing, you should apply the ice directly to the affected area for 20 minutes at a time. Do not leave it on for longer than this, as it could damage your skin or cause frostbite.

If you have sensitive skin, wrap the ice pack in a paper towel or washcloth to create a barrier between the ice and your skin. You can then ice the injured area about 3 times a day, for 10 to 15 minutes each time.

You can also use heat therapy on your lower back to reduce inflammation and pain. If used appropriately, heat can be beneficial for most types of back pain. But not everyone responds to heat therapy the same way, and you shouldn’t overuse it.

Pain Relievers

Pain relievers, including over-the-counter drugs like acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Aspadol Tablet), can help alleviate back pain. However, overuse of these medications can lead to serious side effects.

Opioids are a group of narcotics that are often prescribed for severe cases of back pain. They help control pain but can cause dangerous side effects such as sedation, dizziness, and constipation.

Sitting in one position for too long can also contribute to back discomfort, so try to move around periodically throughout your trip. This can loosen muscles and encourage blood circulation in the lower back.

Another way to reduce pain is by alternating between hot and cold therapy. This may be effective if you bring some reusable ice packs or heating pads with you on your trip.

Lastly, if you do suffer from pain after a long trip, contact your doctor immediately to determine the source of your pain and whether or not prescription medication would be an appropriate treatment. This could prevent further complications and help you get relief quicker.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a form of alternative medicine that emphasises the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Chiropractors specialize in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems, including the spine.

Your chiropractor will examine you, obtain a health history, and perform a series of tests to diagnose your condition. They will also develop a management plan for your condition and begin treatment.

While chiropractic adjustments are not a cure-all, they can be very helpful in relieving pain and improving function. Pain O Soma 350 also help relive muscle and joint pains, such as lower back or neck pain, which can be caused by stress, injuries, or poor posture.

After a chiropractic adjustment, you may experience mild soreness in the areas your chiropractor worked on. This soreness is temporary and typically goes away in a day or two.

Getting in a few visits before you travel and again after your trip will prepare your spine for any potential misalignments that could cause pain while you’re traveling. It will also help remove any restrictions you may have acquired along the way.


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