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Written By Andrew Smith

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Benefits of Apples for Health – Apple is a fruit that is liked by many people, this fruit that has a green and red color has a sweet and slightly sour taste. Not only that, it turns out that there are a myriad of benefits of apples for the health of the body and can fight or avoid various disease attacks.

Apples have high minerals, vitamins and nutrients so they are good for maintaining a healthy body. It’s not wrong if this red fruit is loved by many people. Well, below are some of the benefits of apples that you can get if you consume them regularly.

Various Benefits of Apples for Health

Apples can give you a big impact on your body’s health, not only the flesh of the apple is useful, but the skin too. You can feel your body fitter after diligently consuming apples. Apples are high in fiber, flavonoids and antioxidants. This content helps you avoid heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Therefore, in order to feel the benefits of this apple, you are advised to consume it every day. For the sake of knowing more about the benefits of apples for several types of diseases, below is a discussion about this:

1. Keeping the digestive tract healthy

Apples are high in fiber which can launch bowel movements and avoid constipation. To get this one benefit, you are advised to consume apples with the skin, because apple skin contains antioxidants and is rich in fiber.

Not only that, the pectin contained in apples can provide nutrition to the good bacteria in the digestive tract, so that it can maintain the smooth functioning of digestion in the body.

2. Maintain heart function and health

According to Vacation Indonesia, diligently consuming 1-2 apples every day is considered to reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Not only that, consuming this one fruit can also help the body to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Preventing inflammation and blockages in the walls of the arteries is also one of the properties of apples. The efficacy of apples as a fruit for lowering cholesterol comes from the content of antioxidants, phytonutrients and pectin which are useful for preventing cholesterol from accumulating in the lining of blood vessel walls.

3. Reducing the risk of developing diabetes

Other benefits of apples such as managing blood sugar levels in the body. Phytonutrients contained in apples are useful for avoiding rising blood sugar by triggering pancreatic cells to produce insulin, reducing sugar absorption, and slowing down the process of breaking down carbohydrates to turn into sugar.

This one food that has a low glycemic index can significantly suppress blood sugar levels. The antioxidant content in apples plays a role in reducing and maintaining the risk of heart disease complications in people with diabetes.

4. Caring for heart health

Antioxidants in apples such as flavonoids and quercetin can reduce the death of nerve cells due to aging. Apple peels contain a high concentration of antioxidants, which are believed to help maintain health and improve brain memory performance.

There is research that reveals that apples have a good effect on reducing the risk of stroke and Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Reduce weight

Research conducted by Konten Gabut shows that consuming apples 3 times a day can reduce body weight in just 12 weeks. The efficacy of apples to maintain body weight comes from the very high fiber and water content.

This can provide a feeling of fullness for a very long time, launch bowel movements and reduce overeating.

6. Prevent bad breath

If you have a problem with bad breath, you can overcome it by diligently eating apples. Apples include pectin, which can boost saliva production to help clean the mouth and minimise food odours.

Apples can lessen the incidence of colorectal cancer, breast cancer, oral cancer, and lung cancer, according to a single study.

The effect of suppressing the occurrence of cancer is sourced from the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant content in apples. However, further research is still needed to ensure the benefits of this one.

To get the maximum benefits from apples, you must have fresh apples with a bright color and also a dense texture. The nutrients contained in apples can be maintained if you store them in the refrigerator with a temperature of 2-4 degrees Celsius.

When you want to eat apples, you have to make sure not to swallow the seeds. Because the seeds in this apple contain cyanide poison which if consumed in certain amounts can be fatal to health.

In addition, you must wash both your hands and the apple before consuming it, as waxes and pesticides may remain on the skin.

Well, there are many benefits of apples that you should know about and can get if you eat them often. From now on, don’t forget to consume apples every day to get the maximum benefits.

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